Healing Arts MentorshipMonthly phone or Zoom call to support healing arts professionals on their path of personal and professional transformation. Available to yoga teachers, massage therapists, energy healers, herbalists, and ayurveda consultants. Includes both professional, business coaching and
personal, spiritual support. |
Social Media/Digital MarketingDesigned for healing arts practitioners who want to grow their student/clientele list significantly,
expand into offering new or additional services, outsource their social media management, and/or want to further develop marketing content such as video, blog, newsletter, or web copy. |
Holistic Business ConsultationsHeart-centered, strategic business and marketing consulting for studios, spas, and retreat centers who wish to grow or expand their current business model. Consultations may include (but are not limited to): customer service, sales, marketing, financial planning, staff training/development, and more.
Please schedule a free initial consultation to inquire about pricing & availability.